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09 7月 Laser Rangefinder module: The Secret Tool Behind Perfect Accuracy
15 4月 AI SoC 影像模組介紹(AICM1001)
Dison 0 719
AI SoC 影像模組-AICM1001 [何謂AI SoC 影像模組?] [應用領域] [臉部辨識] [人員及移動偵測] [非接觸式手勢控制] [符號識別] [線上開發者套件] AI SoC 影像模組:結合CIS、MCU和圖像識別的單晶片解決方案 AI1001是首款嵌入CMOS圖像傳感器(CIS)的AI單晶片解決方案。AI1001單晶片嵌入的處理器可以編程AI訓練代碼,用於圖像處理和識別。集成的AICM1001攝像頭模組和SoC通過小..
15 4月 影像模組-人工智慧之眼
Yang 0 253
Camera Modules: The Eyes of AI [Introduction] [What is a Camera Module?] [Components of a Camera Module] [The Role of AI in Enhancing Camera Modules] [Applications of Camera Modules in Various Industries] [Challenges and Futur..
15 4月 From Golf to Construction: How Laser Rangefinders are Shaping the Future
Yang 0 115
Camera Modules: The Eyes of AI [Introduction] [What is a Camera Module?] [Components of a Camera Module] [The Role of AI in Enhancing Camera Modules] [Applications of Camera Modules in Various Industries] [Challenges and Futur..
10 4月 未來已到!人工智慧與光子學引領新時代
Yang 0 202
The Future is Here! AI and Photonics Leading a New Era [Introduction] [Understanding AI] [The Basics of Photonics] [AI and Photonics: A Powerful Synergy] [Applications in Everyday Life ] [Industrial Innovations] [Advancement..
24 10月 揭開雷射波長 905 nm 與 1535 nm 的對決
0 267
[Introduction] [Evaluating Laser Wavelengths] [Trade-offs to consider] [905nm vs 1535nm wavlength comparison table] [Market adoptions] [What we can expect in the future?] [References] Introduction In the world of laser technolo..
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