
影像感測模組 RSS Feed

15 4月 AI SoC 影像模組介紹(AICM1001)
Dison 0 719
AI SoC 影像模組-AICM1001 [何謂AI SoC 影像模組?] [應用領域] [臉部辨識] [人員及移動偵測] [非接觸式手勢控制] [符號識別] [線上開發者套件] AI SoC 影像模組:結合CIS、MCU和圖像識別的單晶片解決方案 AI1001是首款嵌入CMOS圖像傳感器(CIS)的AI單晶片解決方案。AI1001單晶片嵌入的處理器可以編程AI訓練代碼,用於圖像處理和識別。集成的AICM1001攝像頭模組和SoC通過小..
15 4月 影像模組-人工智慧之眼
Yang 0 253
Camera Modules: The Eyes of AI [Introduction] [What is a Camera Module?] [Components of a Camera Module] [The Role of AI in Enhancing Camera Modules] [Applications of Camera Modules in Various Industries] [Challenges and Futur..
15 4月 From Golf to Construction: How Laser Rangefinders are Shaping the Future
Yang 0 115
Camera Modules: The Eyes of AI [Introduction] [What is a Camera Module?] [Components of a Camera Module] [The Role of AI in Enhancing Camera Modules] [Applications of Camera Modules in Various Industries] [Challenges and Futur..
09 9月 影像模組-門禁系統應用
0 465
Applications and solutionsAs a business owner, we do care a lot about consumer's identity, background, and demands. These data could be a game changer for any business. Research indicates that a buyer should hear or see the marketing message at least..
20 5月 影像模組 - 客製化模組流程
Dison 0 796
.table-container { overflow-x: auto; margin-top: 15px; } table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; min-width: 1060px; font-family: inherit; } th, td { padding: 10px; text-align: center; back..
15 9月 影像模組 - 產品資訊
Dison 0 8281
Camera Sensor Module Guideline Camera Sensor Module Guideline introduces IADIY's image sensor modules, camera sensor modules and USB camera modules product line for convenient search and comparison by sensors and camera modules features of the..
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